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Gift this Exquisite Occasional Chocolate Hamper to a person very special in your life and give them moments to cherish. This Hamper is loaded with... 1) 2 pc Cadbury Diary Milk Silk, 2) 2 pc Temptation, 3) 4 pc Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, 4) 2 pc Cadbury Diary Milk Fruits N Nuts, 5) 2 pc Cadbury Diary Milk Crackle, 6) 2 pc Cadbury Diary Milk Roast Almonds, 7) 2 pc Cadbury Bournville 8) A pack of Assorted Dry Fruits (500 Gms).
  • Price:  Rs. 3239
Earliest Delivery : 29-MarRemote locations may take one day more.