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Celebrate with your loved ones as you send online this Marvelous Basket of Lotus Goodies and increase happiness in their lives. This Basket consists of-
1. Lotus Herbals Whiteglow Skin Whitening and Brightening Gel Cream, SPF-25 (40 gm)
2. Lotus Herbals Frujuvenate Skin Perfecting and Rejuvenating Fruit Pack (120 gm)
3. Lotus Herbals Safe Sun Block Cream SPF 30 (100 gm)
4. Lotus Herbals Whiteglow Skin Whitening N Brightening Hand N Body Lotion SPF-25 I PA+++ (300 ml)
5. Lotus Herbals Rosetone Rose Petals Facial Skin Toner (100 ml)
6. Lotus Herbals Color Kick Kajal (0.28 g)
7. Lotus Herbals Lip Therapy, Velvety Rose (4 gm)
8. 1 Cane Basket
  • Price:  Rs. 2615
Earliest Delivery : 6-DecSmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.